The extra strong version is the same as the regular version with the addition of Candizolv and Pau D'Arco. After month 9, in months 10-12 the programme becomes less aggressively anti-candida and begins to focus on healing the gut.
1 x Candizolv
Take 2 capsules per day at the same time or away from any other products
Suggested use on label: One capsule per day
Our suggested usage: One capsule twice per day, at the same time as Oregano Formula
2 x Oregano Formula
This is a strong herbal product containing 7 botanical ingredients. Take 2 capsules twice per day.
1 x Threelac
We normally recommend 1 sachet twice a day.
We usually recommend one capsule with each meal
1 x Oxylift
We usually recommend about 3 drops twice per day for the first week. Thereafter 7 drops 3 x per day or 10-12 drops twice per day in a little water. Please take persistently. For some reason a number of customer seem to think that this is not an important part of the anti-candida programme, and dabble with it, take it when they can be bothered and so on. This is a HUGE mistake. Please follow our suggestions.
Additional Suggested Products
Optional Extra: Oxysan or Oxy-Powder to promote colon cleansing and support bowel regularity. Take once a day on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or last thing at night. One of them is probably useful for everyone, and in our view essential for those who are straining when they poop or not going at least once a day.