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Ήταν €55.88
Τιμή €51.78
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product nameΣε απόθεμα
Χορτοφάγος Vegan product name Χορτοφάγος Vegetarian product name 
Πόντοι επιβράβευσης 435Info

Is Fivelac the ultimate Anti Candida product?

The Finchley Clinic were the first company in Europe to supply Threelac and we have had excellent results with it. Then we became the first company to supply Fivelac. Here is a basic comparison of the two products:

Threelac vs. Fivelac

Please note these figures below are based on the amount of live bacteria at the end of the products shelf life (i.e. the expiry date). The amount of live bacteria at the point of manufacture is double that of the expiry date. Therefore the figures quoted below are conservative estimates of the number of live bacteria.

Ingredient Threelac Fivelac
Bacillus coagulans 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bacillus subtillis 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Enterococcus Faecalis* 500 million CFU 500 million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum None 500 million CFU
Lactobcillus acidophilus None 500 million CFU

CFU = Colony Forming Units.

* Please note this is a non toxic strain of this probiotic, though some jealous competitors have posted slanderous and blatantly incorrect data about this on the Internet. This is explained in more detail on the FAQ page.

Is Fivelac better than Threelac?

Click here for an article which discusses this question.

Click here to find out why there is yeast in Fivelac and Threelac

*Fivelac (but not Threelac) also contains a very small quantity of lactose. The amount is so low that it is normally tolerated by those with lactose intolerance, but it may be unsuitable for individuals with a very strong intolerance.


Please feel free to click on the contact us link with any questions you have, but before you do, bear in mind that 95% of the questions we are asked are answered on the web site already - you just need to take the time and patience to view the links below, especially the FAQ's. We do respectfully suggest that you read the FAQ's before contacting us - the answer to your question is probably there.

Although we urge you to view the FAQ's there is one question, which we would like to get out of the way here and now....

I read that Threelac and Fivelac don’t work, and are a scam. Can you comment?

We are a highly ethical, well established company selling almost 1000 products. We have no need to sell “scam” products, and frankly do not have the time. Overall, we get fantastic feedbck from our customers. But it is true that neither Threelac nor its sister product Fivelac work for all of the people all of the time. In fact we very much doubt whether there exists any product that works 100% of the time. We encourage anyone who is not improving or having a problem with the products to contact us to discuss their situation (and read the FAQ's and this web page!).

Unfortunately one or two people who have not responded successfully to Threelac or Fivelac have declared that it therefore follows that Threelac and Fivelac are some kind of a scam, and have managed to get blogs or internet postings stating this on quite high positions on some internet search engines. Some of these postings also contain information which is so scandalously inaccurate and defamatory that we can’t help wondering whether the source is actually jealous competitors rather than any genuine customer. Either way, Threelac and Fivelac are not “scams", and indeed work well for countless people. We provide a 60 day money back guarantee for anyone who is dissatisfied with these products and all the other products we provide  from Global Health Trax (we do not refund our shipping and processing costs).

Products that support Fivelac

Although Fivelac is a great product, we do not believe it is a miracle cure for all the people, all of the time. True, it does resolve a good number of customers candida problems completely, but we always encourage customers to view all the natural health supplements in the candida section of the online shop. We regard the following as the most important additional products to consider combining with Fivelac.

  1. One of the Liquid Oxygen Products
  2. One of the Colon Cleansing Products
  3. Active Digestive Enzymes
  4. Thyme Formula F or Thyme Formula A
  5. Wild Endive Formula or Wild Endive Formula A*

* Fivelac is a powerful anti candida product, which sometimes precipitates die-off reactions in sensitive individuals. Die-off is the term used to define the unpleasant though short term flu like symptoms which occur with a small percentage of people at the start of a candida cleanse. It tends to occur mostly in people who are sensitive to products generally, or those who have more severe candida overgrowth. This can usually be prevented by combining Fivelac with Wild Endive Formula or Wild Endive Formula A. In a very small number of cases, Fivelac is still too strong, in which case we recommend one of these products to be used by for 1-2 months before trying Fivelac again.

Click here for additional additional information on Fivelac.


Fivelac does not require refrigeration.

Further reading on candida


Ingredients Label (Click on image to expand)
Ingredients Label

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