Kelp Formula

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Τιμή €19.18
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Πόντοι επιβράβευσης 159Info

Botanical food supplement containing a blend of 7 herbs designed to help maintain healthy thyroid activity.  

About Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common hormonal deficiencies around. According to the NHS web site, about 1 in 50 women, and about 1 in 1,000 men develop hypothyroidism at some time in their life. However these figures are disputed as some doctors claim the real figures are much higher than this. In the UK, the most notable 'heretic' is Dr Barry Durrant Peatfield who wrote the book "The Great Thyroid Scandal", which can be purchased via Amazon. In the book he also claims that hypothroidism is also often connected to low adrenal reserve or hypoadrenalism.

Kelp Formula

Designed to help maintain a healthy thyroid gland, Kelp Formula contains kelp which is a good source of iodine - a vital mineral for the thyroid gland, and six other herbs.

Can Kelp Formula be taken if I am on thyroxine?

We know that plenty of people do, and we are not aware of anyone who has been harmed as a result. We also asked the product developer about this, and he said "Over the years we have had many people add Kelp Formula to thyroxine and seen only good come from it." Nonetheless, legally we have to advise you to consult with your doctor on this question, and we always encourage customers to do this, as does the product developer.

How much iodine (from Kelp) is it safe to take?

There is some controversy about safety margins of iodine. It is generally agreed that the adult body needs around 200-300mcg per day of iodine. In an ideal diet, you will get this from your food, but many people do not. Too little iodine is very unhealthy, but too much is toxic. This is not disputed, but there is very wide variation amongst those who claim to be the experts on this question over the level at which it could become dangerous if taken on a long term basis. The lowest estimate we have come across were for amounts above 500mcg. However most of the experts give estimates of around 1,500mcg before this is likely to occur.

How much iodine is in the Kelp Formula?

First of all, please remember the Kelp, which is high in iodine is only one of 7 ingredients in the Kelp Formula.

Kelp is a sea vegetable which is very rich in trace minerals, so you don't just get iodine when you consume kelp. However it is particularly rich in iodine - around 500 micrograms (mcg) per gram.  Each capsule of our Kelp Formula contains about 60mg kelp. Therefore each capsule will provide about 30 mcg of iodine from the kelp content.

Based on the toxicity estimate above, you would have to take over 50 capsules per day on a fairly long term basis to induce iodine toxicity. Our maximum recommendation (see suggestions below) is usually 6 capsules per day, which would only include around 180 mcg's per day of iodine This is miles below the toxicity threshold.

Even if you were to also take Kelp Formula alongisde Thyroid Support Formula or TH207, both of which also contain iodine derived from Kelp, you would still be below the toxicity threshold based on taking the label dosages.

How long should I take it for?

We recommend trying Kelp Formula for an initial 8 weeks before assessing whether it is helping. If you are expecting miracle results in a few days, you are probably wasting your time and money. Subject to any advice to the contrary which you receive from your doctor, it can be taken safely indefintely if needed.

A comprehensive approach

Kelp Formula is a great product, and often works extremely well by itself. But it can also work extremely well with other related products.

  • The amino acid Tyrosine and other supportive nutrients found in Thyroid Support Formula may also be useful for both the thyroid and the adrenal glands (tyrosine may also help some cases of depression).
  • It may also be necessary to support the adrenal glands since hypothyroidism is sometimes secondary to hypoadrenia / low adrenal reseve. For this consider combining Kelp Formula with Licorice Formula or Licorice Formula A.
  • A good multivitamin is also usually very helpful.
  • If there is a candida problem that also may need treating.

Problems with thyroid blood tests:

Quite often laboratory tests will demonstrate that the thyroid is within the "normal" range yet the person will show all the signs of hypothyroidism. Please note the following in relation to this paradox:-

1) The first point to make here is, as Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield states in his book "The Great Thyroid Scandal", the tests might be wrong. Dr Peatfield has been villified by his colleagues as heretic for stating in his book that the tests can be so inaccurate that they "should be placed where the sun doesn't shine" (at least he doesn't mince his words). For the most part the conventional test of choice is the test for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, not the thyroid itself. If it is normal it is inferred that the thyroid function is OK. But, as Dr Peatfield explains, this does not always appear to be reliable. Apparently, some people have had the same test repeated four to five times before a low thyroid has been indicated, sometimes over several years.

2) The normal figure may be at the lower end of the normal range. So the patient is told they are 'normal' when it might have been borderline.

3) Thyroxine itself is metabolically inert, and must be converted to tri-iodothyranine (T3) before it does anything. This conversion requires zinc, copper, and iron, and a deficiency of these nutrients can produce hypothyroid symptoms. ( Thyroid Support Formula contains these nutrients). Further, this conversion is blocked by mercury toxicity, so this must be dealt with if relevant.

4) It has been claimed that candida binds thyroxine, thereby inactivating it. Some renowned practitiioners contend that some 90% of Candida victims have low thyroid function. These practitioners believe that it is important to treat candida if that is part of the problem.

Suggested Usage:

Take 3 capsules twice a day for the first month
Take 2 capsules twice a day for the next 2-3 months.
Take 1-2 capsules per day as long as is needed.

Contains 60 vegan capsules. Therefore at the reccomended dosage you will need 3 bottles for the first month, then 2 bottles for the remaining period.

Best taken with food, but this is not vital.


Nettles, Damiana, Siberian Ginseng, Parsley, Irish Moss, Maca, Kelp (a natural source of iodine).


Not recommended for sufferers of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis without the approval of your doctor.

Article on Thyroid deficiency

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