Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 Customer Reviews)
These reviews are the personal experiences of the customers who have written them. They should not be taken as health claims or representations by The Finchley Clinic Ltd or its employees. Individual results vary.
Reviews for MSM Powder - 200g
Fulvia K - Sunday 15 November 2020I had been taking MSM for a long time, but it was only when I stopped taking it (as an experiment) that I could tell the difference within a few weeks. My body didn't have the flexibility it usually had and a few aches started to appear in my joints. I started taking the product again (in water, mixed with vit C powder, twice a day) and I regained the flexibility I always had. The aches also disappeared. I shall take this product for the rest of my life. Highly recommended.
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 Customer Reviews)