It's been over 6 months in development, but we've finally brought out our replacement for Colosan. Finally our own product, manufactured to our own specification. If you've previously used Colosan and you found it beneficial, you're going to love this product.
Oxysan could be useful for you if :-
We have consistently found that capsules have always out-sold powders with all products, even if the powders are better value for money, as people just find taking capsules to be less hassle. But go for the powder if you want your money to go as far as possible.
Oxysan provides a manufacturers guaranteed minimum of 3,000ppm of oxygen release. We know for a fact that Oxy-Powder and Mag 07 both release oxygen too. We cannot in all honesty say that about other similar products out there on the market, which we will not name here. Sadly, in the majority of cases if you get them tested (and we have), nearly all of them release zero oxygen, no matter how pretty the label is, or how slick the marketing is. Which is why we will not be selling them.
Please note this is "suggested use" - not the word of God!
Best taken on an empty stomach with ½ to 1 glass of water. You can add some lemon or lime for flavour if you want to. In order to take Oxysan on an empty stomach, we suggest taking it either last thing at night, well after your evening meal, or first thing in the morning, and avoid food for at least 30 minutes afterwards.
should start on 1/4 tsp per day. If even that's too strong, you should reduce the dosage even lower.
For an initial 7 day cleanse, we recommend 1/4 to 1 tsp taken once per-day depending on sensitivity.
Adjust the dosage up or down as much as needed depending on how strongly you respond, and whether you are aiming to do a colon cleanse (in which case you will probably want to take a higher dosage), or just enough to gently soften your stools (in which case a lower dosage may well be sufficient). Not surprisingly, a higher dosage will have a stronger colon flushing effect than a lower dosage.
Use as often as needed on whatever dosage suits you.
Everything you need to know about the product. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.
The difference is that it has been through a proprietary process whereby when you take Oxysan, the oxygen is released for therapeutic benefits. Products which are just magnesium oxide and / or hydroxide will not release oxygen, will not have any overall health benefits, and are not even good bioavalable magnesium products if you need a magnesium supplement.
We could publish a detailed article about this subject, but it would go far deeper than most customers really want. So below we are going to quote the late Dr George Freibott, who the company owner met in person and spent several days with in the early 2000's. This short summary will hopefully satisfy you with the 'basics' of this subject.
What is oxidation? A substance undergoes oxidation if it loses electrons, loses hydrogen, or gains oxygen. When oxygen is combined with sugar in the cell, ATP is formed and water and carbon dioxide are the waste products. This process of oxidation occurs constantly in the cells. Without this process taking place, life would cease very, very quickly. We take in oxygen, through our respiratory exchanges, and dispose of body effete, also referred to as ‘toxins’. Our blood has the function of picking up crucial oxygen from the lungs, transporting it to the cells, and disposing of toxins formed there.
Often today we hear of the ‘toxic free radicals’ and the free radical theory of disease causation. Yet, without free radicals the body ceases to exist. Oxygen and ozone break down to unpaired, freely bonding electron sub-units able to combine with other free radicals. These new compounds can then be excreted. The common belief today is “Free radicals are bad, nasty, harmful to the human body.” Do not be fooled! Free radicals are necessary to the functioning and nutrition of the human organism. It is the excessive proliferation of free radicals that are unnecessary to metabolic function and nutrition, and that are not scavenged by enzymes because of toxic buildup, that are harmful to the human organism.
Why are we now discussing free radicals? Because free radicals are either a boon or a bane to the state of health and homeostasis. Without the free radical oxygen, also known as O1 or nascent oxygen, ‘nasty, destructive’ free radicals cannot be efficiently eliminated by the body. The nascent free radical oxygen seeks out and combines with toxic free radicals. These destructive free radicals have accumulated due to the absence of healthy ‘free radical’ oxygen. This absence has hindered the whole oxidative cycle of our aerobic bodies. The ingestion of ozone and magnesium peroxide raise the level of oxygen in the body, and contribute to improved health through improved oxidation and oxygenation.
Ideally yes. Actually whether or not you are taking Oxysan. But even more when taking Oxysan or any similar product. Healthy cells are coated with an antioxidant coating which protects against free radicals so only unhealthy micro-organisms should be attacked by them, providing dietary antioxidants are sufficiently high. For general antioxidant support we recommend Antioxidant Supreme.
Yes. If you are taking Vitamin C supplements, we recommend taking them 2 hours or more away from Oxysan. Oxygen therapy products and Vitamin C can diminish one another if taken at the same time. Please don't worry if you eat a piece of fruit. The amount of vitamin C in an orange or an apple isn't enough to matter very much, if at all. We are talking here about supplemental quantities of Vitamin C. Other antioxidants do not seem to be affected, but Vitamin C seems to be a 'special case'.*
* As stated in the book "The Use of Ozone In Medicine" by Siegfried Rilling (Author), Renate Viebahn (Author), Andrew Lee (Translator)