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Πόντοι επιβράβευσης 365Info
Threelac - Candida Defense - Dietary Supplement

The video above is very old and shows Threelac in its original packaging in the early 2000's, but contains good information nonetheless. As it is pretty much impossible to find anywhere, we thought we ought to share it. 

Threelac - The Candida Maintenance Probiotic

Please note children can safely take Threelac, but we also provide Kidslac for children.
We provide Threelac with this 60-day money back offer on your first order.

Threelac & Digestive Stress

Please note, we are very limited in what we can say in our product description below as a result of the EU regulations designed to "protect" consumers, in other words the drug comapnies that campaigned for it.

Candida yeast problems, digestive problems, fatigue, and the myriad of other health problems that have become associated with a less than perfect balance of bacteria in the gut seems to have become a subject on everyones lips over the last decade or so. Many live bacteria products are on the market (we provide a range of over 50 friendly bacteria products). Whilst it is true that individual results vary, and equally true that different probiotic products work for different individuals, Threelac (and it's sister product Fivelac) are our best selling probiotics.  Based on the overall feedback which we get from customers, this is with good reason. We probably get more consistent feedback from customers who feel Threelac and Fivelac have helped them than any live bacteria product we sell.

How we started selling Threelac

We were the first to introduce this remarkable probiotic product into the UK as soon as it was launched (this was back in 2002).  At the time we were already the primary UK distributor of Oxygen Elements Max, made by the same company. Originally the clinic director, Mark Lester brought a small amount of Threelac to try out on a few patients. Very soon afterwards be started to get feedback that he had never had with 'regular' probiotics available in most health food shops, where the results with probiotics for candida were nearly always disappointing. So after seeing the superb results, he began offering it to the wider public through this web site. And that's more or less how the company ended up getting formed. By 2004 we were selling so much, that as a small company we could barely keep up with the demand. These days our sales are much lower, partly because of some of the disgraceful discrediting of the product found on some competitor web sites and partly because EU regulations and in the USA, FDA regulations make it almost impossible to advertise Threelac properly any more. This is very frustrating, and the result is that consumers, far from being protected by the authorities, are in our opinion harmed by them.


Please feel free to click on the contact us link with any questions you have, but before you do, bear in mind that 95% of the questions we are asked are answered on this page or in the FAQ's. We do respectfully suggest that you read these pages before contacting us - as the answer to your question is very likely there.

However there is one question, which we would like to get out of the way here and now....

I read that Threelac and Fivelac don’t work, and are a scam. Can you comment?

Yes, we can! We are a highly ethical, well established small company selling around 1000 products. We have no need to sell “scam” products and we take pride in only selling what we have found to be quality brands. Overall, we get fantastic feedbck from our customers when Threelac is taken persistently and patiently. It is true that neither Threelac nor its sister product Fivelac work for all of the people all of the time. In fact we very much doubt whether there exists any product that works 100% of the time despite some of the silly and irresponsible claims we see made for some products. We welcome anyone who is not improving or having a problem to view the FAQ's, read the articles and contact us where necessary.

These accusations stem from companies who are selling their own product, and have a vested interested in discrediting Threelac. One of the most outrageous web site states that Threelac "gives people totally false hope".  Let us state plainly that this is a disgraceful lie, and we resent this insult to our integrity. The Finchley Clinic is owned by a practitioner whose family has been involved with natural medicine since the mid 1950's, and do not, and never have offered anyone "false hope" with worthless products.

Just to put any further reservations to rest, we provide this 60-day money back offer for anyone who is dissatisfied with Threelac and any other products we provide from Global Health Trax . If Threelac was a scam, why would we make an offer like this?

Active Ingredients

  • Bacillus coagulans: A probiotic organism that may help control occasional digestion and stomach problems.
  • Bacillus subtilis: A probiotic organism that may help crowd out "bad" flora in the intestines.
  • Enterococcus faecalis: The Enterococci constitute a major genus within the lactic acid bacteria group, and exists naturally in the human digestive tract. This effective probiotic bacteria is the result of formulation under strict laboratory conditions.

Full Ingredients

GHT Proprietary Probiotic Blend 436mg: Bacillus coagulans, bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 75mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine nitrate) 0.4mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.4mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) 0.4mg
Other ingredients:
 Refined yeast powder, dietary fibre as galactomannan, fructo-oligosaccharides, beta cyclodextrin, erythritol, lemon juice powder, canola oil
* Threelac also contains a maximum of 30 parts per million (0.00003%) of casein which is derived from milk. This is too low to provoke an allergic reaction, but is stated for the sake of full disclosure. 

A Comprehensive Programme:

Threelac works as a stand alone product for many people. But because we do not believe it is a miracle cure for all the people, all of the time, we always encourage customers to view all the natural health supplements in the Candida management section of the online shop. We regard the following as the most valuable of them: -

  1. One of the Liquid Oxygen products (we think everyone should combine Threelac with one of these).
  2. Active Digestive Enzymes (may be useful for those with gas, bloating etc)
  3. Thyme Formula 
  4. Wild Endive Formula (for preventing 'candida die-off')*
  5. One of the Oxygen Colon Cleansing products

* Die-off is the term used to define the unpleasant though short term flu like symptoms which occur with a small percentage of people at the start of a candida cleanse. It tends to occur mostly in people who are sensitive to products generally, or those who have more severe candida overgrowth. This can usually be prevented by using Wild Endive Formula or Wild Endive Formula A. In a very small number of cases, it is still too strong, in which case we recommend them to be used by itself for 1-2 months before doing anything else.

Anti Candida Kits

Here are some kits we put together that save money and work well with Threelac : -

Threelac & Oxygen Elements Max Anti-Candida Kit

GHT Threelac & OxyLift Anti-Candida Kit

GHT Threelac, Oxygen Elements Max & Active Digestive Enzymes Anti-Candida and Digestive Health Kit

GHT Threelac, OxyLift & Active Digestive Enzymes - Anti Candida & Digestive Health Kit

and finally....

The Comprehensive Candida Management Programme - This last one is a full 12 month programme designed primarily for severe sufferers, who want a comprehensive programme to follow but don't want to spend a lot of money having to have consultations. We have put a lot of time into putting this together in a balanced way. This programme is designed to control candida die-off, eradicate candida, and heal the gut lining. This programme is probably only needed by more severe sufferers. Many people will do fine with one of the simpler kits above, or even just with Threelac by itself. 

Further information on Threelac

FAQ's - (Most of the questions we get asked are answered on this page)

Further reading


Threelac does not require refrigeration, and is heat stable (wthin reason, don't put it in the oven!). 
Ingredients Label (Click on image to expand)
Ingredients Label

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